The Social Hub – Turin

About This Project

The project of The Social Hub Turin is located in an abandoned area with an incredible urban value for its location facing toward south on the Dora River while on the west on Corso Giulio Cesare that is the main penetration axis through the urban fabric from Milan to the city centre of Turin. The aim for the city is to create a new gate for Turin in a prominent location and with an iconic settlement.

While sketching and reading the urban texture of the surrounding on a bigger scale we thought that providing a generous public green space connecting the Lungo Dora with Corso Brescia along Via Aosta.

Inspired by its waterside location, the new development aims to create both a destination and a new corridor linking the city and the river bringing together people and place to create a unique and diverse location in the centre of the city.

A place for working, studying and living enhanced with cultural, leisure and sport activities.


Turin – Italy


Concept Design Winner

Schematic design

Construction design on going


The Social Hub

Construction Cost:


Site Area:

17.300 sqm

Project Size:

34.000 sqm


November 2019 on going

Design team:

Tectoo – Lead Architect
Milan Ingegneria – Structural Engineering

ESA Engineering – MEP Engineering

GAD – Cost Controller

GAe Engineering – Fire Engineering

Voltaire – Light Design

Erika Skabar – Landscape